“World Conference of Universities and Institutes of Investigation for the elimination of nuclear weapons”


On one hand, to make an appeal to universities all over the world for them to assume the roll of warning civil society about the dangers of the new nuclear arms race.

On the other hand, to create a “Worldwide Conference of Universities and Research Institutes for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons”

Working Proposal:

1. For researchers: to open ways of investigation on the best procedures to dismantle and to re-use the components of the nuclear weapons.
2. For teachers: to prepare presentations, communications, boards or any other suitable procedure related to the topic.
3. For students: to promote procedures (from forums to artistic expressions) that allow to inform, to form and to give participation to the students on the advantages of disarmament and non utilization of the wars as a tool for the conflicts creation and resolution.
4. We will ask the Chancellors of Universities and the Directors of Investigation Centres:
a. To give economic support to researchers and teachers.
b. To institutionally adhere to the campaign for worldwide nuclear disarmament.
5. We will make an appeal to women and men renowned in academic, investigative and artistic fields to join us in this activity, putting their potential and competences at the service of all the human beings.


We are sending to all the universities the following documents:

- Letter addressed to the Chancellors and Principals.
- This document.
- Introduction to the 5th Conference of education and non-violence.
- Presentation of the International Forum for the NWD (Nuclear World Disarmament).
- Conference of governments of countries for the NWD.
- International team of civil and military Technicians and Experts in elimination and restructuring of nuclear weapons.

We ask for your help and cooperation, assuming the coordination of the campaign for the Nuclear World Disarmament in your university or investigation centre or artistic field .

Contact: Prof. Aurora Marquina Espinosa coordinates:
Web site: http://www.uned.es
Coordinator: Prof. Aurora Marquina Espinosa